Røður 2022 Jenis av Rana

Røða hjá landsstýrismanninum í uttanríkis- og mentamálum í sambandi við undirritan av sáttmála um luttøku Føroya í samstarvsætlanum Samveldisins og tilhoyrandi frumskjal viðvíkjandi tilknýti Føroya til Horizon Europe - 24. mai 2022

Your Excellencies,

Commissioner, Ambassador, Deputy Director-General, Head of Mission,

It is a great honour to attend this signing ceremony of the Agreement on the Participation of the Faroe Islands in Union programmes including the Protocol on Association to Horizon Europe.

I would very much have preferred to be there in person, but I am grateful that it was possible to organise this hybrid event.

Being one of the EU’s closest neighbours in the European Arctic the close cooperation with the European Union is of utmost importance.

It is a high priority of the Government of the Faroe Islands to develop even stronger and more dynamic relations with the EU.

Since the first association to the Seventh framework programme of the European Community in 2010 the scientific cooperation between the Faroe Islands and the EU has developed significantly.

The associated membership is highly valued among Faroese researchers. I am confident that the cooperation will only continue to broaden and develop under the new framework programme.

It is a great privilege to be the first country signing a Multi Programme Agreement with the EU.

This agreement opens the doors to any EU programme open to third countries of which several might be relevant to the Faroe Islands.

The University of the Faroe Islands, the creative sector and others have expressed a strong interest in joining Erasmus+ and Creative Europe.

The Government of the Faroe Islands fully supports this, and I have therefore already expressed the interest of the Faroe Islands to become associated to the new EU framework programmes on education and culture.

I look very much forward to continuing the dialogue with Commissioner Gabriel on this subject.

I would like to end with a sincere thank you to our respective officials for all their efforts in helping us arrive at this successful conclusion today.

I look forward to an even stronger and closer future cooperation between the Faroe Islands and the EU with a firm, common basis in this new agreement.

Takk fyri.

Thank you.