12.09.2024 · Uttanríkis- og vinnumálaráðið



Í døgunum 4.- 6. september varð fyrsta vatnráðstevnan av sínum slagi, ”1st ISLANDS WATER CONGRESS”, hildin í Norðurlandahúsinum. Landsstýrismaðurin í Uttanríkis-og vinnumálum, Høgni Hoydal, setti ráðstevnuna. 

Á ráðstevnuni luttóku fólk úr meira enn 40 oyggjasamfeløgum.  

Fríggjadag seinnapart skrivaðu Steven Myers, orku- og veðurlagsráðharri frá Prince Edward Islands, og Høgni Hoydal, landsstýrismaður, undir skjalið “Memorandum of Understanding Establising Tórshavn Dialog on Sustainable Freshwater Management on Islands“ um samstarv um burðardygga fyrisiting av feskvatni. Sí skjalið her.

Setanarrøða hjá landsstýrismanninum:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests, and Esteemed Colleagues

On behalf of the Faroese Government and of the Faroese people it is an profound honor and a privilege to welcome you all to The Faroe Islands and to this 1st Islands Water Congress.

It is indeed an inspiration, a catalyst for hope and it is life-embracing to meet you all here: Committed to connect and cooperate, share practices and knowledge and to construct solutions together. Across nations. Across oceans. Across islands. Across cultures. Across fields of expertise and scientific skills. This is what we need the most in the world today. 

Especially in these dire times where nations and the international cooperation in so many places and areas are dis-connecting, dis-integrating and transcending into war, atrocities and destruction. All our thoughts and our hearts are with the victims of this madness – and we call for immediate peace and for implementation of international law, rules and action to enforce and protect human rights.  

We need to connect, commit, co-operate and construct. For human life and of course the whole diverse life and the ecosystems on our planet.  

This congress is essential to that purpose. It is not just a gathering; it is a convergence of minds and a collective commitment to addressing one of the most pressing issues of our time – water sustainability.
Water is the essence and basis of all life. It sustains our ecosystems, nourishes our communities, and fuels our economies. Yet, despite its fundamental importance, water resources are under unprecedented pressure. Climate change, population growth, and industrial demands are straining our water systems, making the need for innovative solutions more urgent than ever.

If we look at pictures of our planet from outer space: What is it that first catches the eye? Is it the mountains and the continents? No, it is the water. The oceans and the lakes and the rivers. And the clouds. It is the blue planet. 

And we in the Faroe Islands feel that we are living in the middle of all waters. In the midst of the ocean – as so many island people. And in the middle of rain and clouds and fog.  Often we check our necks to see if we have developed gills. 

Our Faroese language which we are so proud to have preserved and developed to a full modern language, has a 129 different words for water. (nouns). We have a 153 different names for rain in it’s various forms. For drinking water: 50 words. And we have 173 different names/words for fog. Add to that more than a hundred names for snow. (I could add, that we have 105 words for drinking or getting drunk).

In the Faroe Islands, we seem to have rain and fresh water in abundance. Yet, from time to time we too lack water supply, and therefore we recognize the need for careful management to ensure that these resources remain clean, safe, and accessible for future generations. 

We are committed to developing innovative water management practices, investing in research and technology, and fostering partnerships that enhance our understanding and stewardship of water.
Despite its fundamental importance, water resources are under increasing pressure globally. Climate change, population growth, urbanization, and pollution are all contributing to water scarcity and degradation. These challenges demand urgent attention and action from all of us. This congress provides a unique opportunity to address these critical issues, share knowledge, and explore innovative solutions.

This congress brings together experts, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners from around the globe. Our goal is to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and forge partnerships that will drive sustainable water management practices. Over the next few days, we will delve into critical topics such as water conservation, innovative technologies, policy frameworks, and community engagement.

We are privileged to have with us a broad mixture of bright minds in the field. Our keynote speakers and panelists will provide insights that will challenge our thinking and inspire us to take bold actions. I encourage each of you to actively participate in the discussions, ask questions, and share your experiences. It is through our collective wisdom and collaboration that we can make a real difference. 

The Faroe Islands are proud to play a role in this global conversation. We believe that our experiences, our challenges, and our successes can offer valuable lessons to others. Likewise, we are eager to learn from the experiences of other island societies. This congress is an opportunity to forge new partnerships, strengthen existing ones, and work together toward a common goal: ensuring a sustainable and secure water future for all.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our hosts the Faroes Geological Survey and to the International Water Resources Association and their partners. And to all the sponsors and organizers for making this event possible, and to our dedicated people in Visit Faroe Islands and their partners. Your dedication and hard work have brought us all together, and for that, we are deeply grateful.

In closing, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for your commitment to this important cause. Your dedication to advancing our understanding of water and finding sustainable solutions is truly inspiring. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and look forward to the positive outcomes that will emerge from this congress.

Thank you once again for being here, and for contributing to this vital conversation. I wish all of you a productive and engaging congress. Enjoy your time in the Faroe Islands, and please take the opportunity to explore our beautiful landscapes, experience our rich culture, and, of course, appreciate the pristine waters that surround us.  

I hereby declare the 1st Islands Water Congress open.